QMS-OP-04.05 (Purchasing Quality Clauses)

Crescend RF


The document applies to all Contracts where Purchasing Quality Clauses (PQC’s) are identified. General requirement PQC’s apply to all orders regardless of whether they are individually called out in the Contract.

2. Purpose

This document describes the general and special product assurance requirements (clauses) that will be used by Crescend Technologies LLC on Contracts (POs). Contracts or other formal agreements (hereafter referred to as the Contract) between a Supplier and Crescend Technologies LLC. The purpose of this document is to clearly define for each purchase of products or services all the necessary and applicable technical and quality requirements the Supplier is required to comply with to meet Crescend Technologies LLC, Crescend Technologies customers, and/or regulatory requirements.

3. Responsibility and Authority

The Purchasing and Quality Managers are responsible for ensuring that all the applicable requirements are communicated to the Supplier and that the Supplier is in conformance with these requirements. By delivering products or services on the Contract, the Supplier certifies that such products or services are in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Contract, and objective evidence of compliance is available and will be furnished to Crescend Technologies for review upon request.

4. General Requirements

The following requirements apply to all products delivered to Crescend Technologies LLC where the requirements of meeting the standard PQC’s are referenced on the Contract.

4.1. Acceptance at Destination

Articles ordered on the Contract are subject to final acceptance at destination. Materials received which do not conform to provisions as indicated on the Contract will be subject to rejection or such measures as may be deemed necessary by the Purchasing or Quality Managers or their designates. Issuance of a Discrepant Material Report (DMR) shall require corrective action and evidence shall be provided to Crescend Technologies LLC within 30 days upon notice unless other actions are agreed upon between Crescend Purchasing or Quality Managers and the Supplier.

4.2. Quality System

The suppliers on this order must be controlled under a Quality Management System that conforms to the requirements of the current revision of ISO 9001 standard or equivalent with written approval of Crescend Technologies.

For Suppliers with a third-party ISO certificate, any renewal, probation or revocation of ISO certificate requires notification to Crescend Technologies Purchasing or Quality departments within 30 days of the event.

4.3. Calibration System

The Supplier’s measuring and test equipment used in the performance of orders for Crescend Technologies shall be calibrated in accordance with ISO 10012-1 or equivalent.

4.4. Dimensional Test Data

The Supplier shall perform dimensional inspection to verify all characteristics and notes on the drawing/specification. The Supplier shall record the actual dimensional readings. The inspection results must be kept on file and shall be made available to Crescend Technologies upon request at no additional cost. All recorded data must be legible.

4.5. Certificate of Conformance

A Certificate of Conformance (CofC) must accompany each shipment of product. The CofC shall be legible and at minimum include the following:
• Supplier name and address
• A statement that the product shipped conforms to the applicable specifications and/or drawings.
• The Crescend Technologies Contract number and line number.
• Part number and latest revision letter (unless specified otherwise on the Contract).
• Manufacture lot number (Traceability information).
• Quantity shipped.
• Date shipped.
• Identity of Quality Representative or company official.
• Signature of an authorized company representative.
• Serial numbers, with each serial number discreetly written. A range of serial numbers with a beginning and ending number separated by a dash is acceptable.
When a product is provided by a distributor, the Certificate of Conformance from the original manufacturer must be provided. The original manufacturer CofC shall meet the requirements above.

4.6. Unauthorized Product Changes

The supplier may not make any changes or substitutions to any products or services required by the Contract, drawing, specification, or any other applicable document without prior written approval from Crescend Technologies Purchasing.

4.7. Altering Data on Documents

The use of any method that caused the original data to be unreadable (i.e., correction tape and fluids) is strictly prohibited. The sole acceptable correction method is to strike through the
erroneous information, write the corrected information, and affix the signature and correction date by the responsible authority.

4.8. Record Retention

Records of product conformity shall be retained for a minimum of 10 years after delivery of product. All retained records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. These requirements shall be flowed down to any sub-tier suppliers. Records shall be made available to Crescend Technologies, Crescend Technologies customers upon request for the duration of the retention period.

4.9. Latest Revision

All Suppliers are responsible for supplying products to the latest revision of any specification(s) and/or drawing(s), unless otherwise specified by the Contract.

4.10. Moisture Sensitive Materials

Moisture Sensitive Material must be delivered from the Supplier in sealed moisture barrier bags packed with desiccant and a Humidity Indicator Card in accordance with J-STD-033.

4.11. Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Materials

Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Materials must be delivered from the Supplier in sealed static shielding bags.

4.12. Preservation and Packaging

The Supplier shall incorporate good commercial standard practices and methods for the preservation, packaging, and shipment of products to prevent damage during shipment to Crescend Technologies LLC.

4.13. Counterfeit Material

Crescend Technologies LLC shall not return or pay for items if they are not genuine, new, and unused or they are found to not meet all original manufacturer specifications and requirements as well as the requirements defined on the purchase order.
Supplier must provide the following with the shipment of product(s):
• Certificate of Conformance (CofC) certifying the items are genuine and meet all P.O. and original manufacturer requirements.
• Traceability information to original manufacturer, if available.
• Results from any additional inspections, tests, and examinations as required by this purchase order.

4.14. Supplier Performance Evaluation

Cost of Quality – Crescend Technologies shall evaluate Suppliers based on their on-time delivery and non-conformance performance results. This information shall be reviewed quarterly and shall be given consideration when assessing Supplier risk.

4.15. Right of Entry

The supplier shall reserve the right of entry for Crescend Technology, Crescend Technology customers and regulatory agency personnel, for access to any and all facilities where work is being performed or is scheduled to be performed, including those facilities of the suppliers sub-tier suppliers, in order to perform inspections.

4.16. Flow Down of Requirements

Supplier shall flow down applicable requirements to all of their suppliers to ensure buyer’s requirements are appropriately flowed down to all tiers within the supply chain.

5. Supplemental PQC’s

The following PQC’s will apply to a purchase order when identified on the Contract.

5.1. PQC-06 First Article Inspection Report (FAIR)

A full FAIR shall be provided in accordance with the latest revision of AS9102 on a part representative of the production process used for the manufacture of the parts.
• The FAIR shall reflect actual values and show compliance to drawing and related specifications (i.e., 100% of drawing characteristics and notes)
• All FAIR forms shall be completed electronically. Handwritten FAIR’s will not be acceptable.
• The Supplier shall account for all drawing characteristics and notes by assigning a unique identifier to each characteristic on the drawing and including the same unique identifier on the FAIR document. The marked drawing with unique identifiers, typically referred to as a ballooned drawing, shall become part of the FAIR submittal to Crescend Technologies LLC.
• The specific part used by the Supplier for FAIR must be clearly tagged / separated from the rest of the parts of the shipment.
• A copy of the FAIR documentation is to accompany the first shipment of parts.

5.2. PQC-07 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

The Supplier shall provide with each delivery a CofC stating that all materials supplied are within the limits for hazardous substances as established by EU Directive 2002/95/EC. Should any material not comply, the concentration of the hazardous substance shall be reported on a chemical test report. Material supplied shall contain no metallic mercury and shall be free from mercury contamination. The Supplier will be required to certify that the product is mercury free. At the discretion of Crescend Technologies LLC the material may be rejected and returned to the Supplier if the concentration of the hazardous substance is over the established limits. Certification to meeting RoHS requirements must be included on the CofC.

5.3. PQC-08 REACH Compliance

All goods provided shall be compliant with REACH regulations. The Supplier shall bear full responsibility for continuous monitoring of the publication and updates of the European Chemicals Agency list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and immediately notify Crescend Technologies if provided goods will contain greater than 0.1% by weight or substances restricted under Annex XVII of REACH. SVHC list is viewable at http://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/candidate-list-table. Notification that goods will contain SVHCs shall include the name and weight of the substance(s) and the weight percentage present. If greater than 0.1% by weight of the delivered good. The presence of SVHCs less than 0.1% by weight of the delivered goods does not need to be reported. Unreported SVHCs present above the threshold or substances restricted under Annex XVII of REACH, may result in Contract cancellation and/or return of goods. Compliance with REACH shall be included on the CofC.

5.4. PQC-09 ITAR

This document, which includes any attachments and exhibits hereto, may contain information subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) or ExContractrt Administration Regulation (EAR) of 1979, which may not be exContractrted, released, or disclosed to foreign nationals, inside or outside the United States, without first obtaining an exContractrt license.

5.5. Workmanship of

Electronic Assemblies
The product purchased must meet the soldering and workmanship requirements contained in the latest issue of IPC/ANSI J STD-001, Class 3 and IPC-A-610 Class 3 unless otherwise specified on the purchase order/subcontract or drawing. In case of conflict, IPC/ANSI J-STD-001 takes precedence.

4.14. Supplier Performance Evaluation

Cost of Quality – Crescend Technologies shall evaluate Suppliers based on their on-time delivery and non-conformance performance results. This information shall be reviewed quarterly and shall be given consideration when assessing Supplier risk.

4.15. Right of Entry

The supplier shall reserve the right of entry for Crescend Technology, Crescend Technology customers and regulatory agency personnel, for access to any and all facilities where work is being performed or is scheduled to be performed, including those facilities of the suppliers sub-tier suppliers, in order to perform inspections.

4.16 Flow Down of Requirements

Supplier shall flow down applicable requirements to all of their suppliers to ensure buyer’s requirements are appropriately flowed down to all tiers within the supply chain.

Workmanship of Electronic Assemblies

The product purchased must meet the soldering and workmanship requirements contained in the latest issue of IPC/ANSI J STD-001, Class 3 and IPC-A-610 Class 3 unless otherwise specified on the purchase order/subcontract or drawing. In case of conflict, IPC/ANSI J-STD-001 takes precedence.

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