PrecisePower™ Software

Crescend’s solid-state generators use our proprietary PrecisePower™ software suite. PrecisePower an easy to use, powerful, and feature-rich software suite that allows our generators to do things that are impossible with a magnetron-based generator, such as rapidly sweeping frequency, pulsing power, plasma generation, phase adjustment and more.

Software Highlights

  • Point and click power and frequency setting across the entire band
  • Built-in Scalar Network Analyzer:  all hardware running PrecisePower is equipped with an internal precision dual directional coupler and high speed/ high resolution/high accuracy RF power detectors which measure forward and reflected power in real time. 
  • Phase shifting: The phase of the RF output can be varied from 0 to 360 degrees with 1.4 degree resolution.  This facilitates combining the outputs of multiple generators.
  • Automatic selection of best single frequency
  • Automatic generation of optimal band map for frequency sweeping
  • Fault monitoring: The embedded microcontrollers continuously monitor multiple internal operating parameters and will stop the system if abnormal operation is detected.
  • Hardwired remote control: The system’s basic functions can be remotely controlled using PLC-type inputs and output or via ethernet.
  • Emergency stop:  A fast acting hardwired emergency stop input is provided.
  • Ultra-high speed arc detection response:  Connections are provided for optional applicator arc detection hardware with extremely fast response time (~ 1 microsecond) to limit the duration and severity of arc events.
  • Compact view: A smaller, condensed control panel will replace the main user display. 
  • Operating timer: This function defines a specified power-on run time. 


Single Frequency

In this mode, the system operates on a single frequency. It can be changed on-the-fly by clicking on a new frequency on the spectrum or typing in a new frequency.


is a special mode for plasma generators which provides a fast high power “super pulse” for plasma ignition, then drops to a lower steady state power level to maintain the plasma. 

Basic Sweep

sweeps repeatedly across the band between the Start Frequency and the Stop Frequency setting at the power set point.

Band Map Sweep

sweeps repeatedly across the band according to the preset frequency ranges and power levels stored in the Band Map. This powerful function facilitates maximum power delivery to uneven or changing loads.

Analyze Load

Performs a single low power sweep across the band and graphically plots the measured return loss at each frequency.  This ensures optimum tuning between the applicator and the generator for maximum power transfer.

Selectable Features

Adaptive Power Control

This feature determines behavior when the system’s output return loss exceeds the user specified limit.  The Power Control feature has two options:  Fixed mode, in which the output power is constant regardless of return loss, or Adaptive Mode, in which power is automatically reduced as return loss decreases.


Allows selection between continuous wave (CW) or pulse width modulated (PWM) operation.  The user can set the pulse frequency and duty cycle.

RF Source

Can select between using the internally generated signal source, or from an external input connector.

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